Friday finds me craving for a getaway from the bad, the mad and the ugly. So what's new you ask? Besides the fact that I fell badly in the main street this week and was taken by ambulance to the emergency department leaving my dignity and half my jeans in the street. Almost 50 and having one's trousers slit open with scissors opposite the post office is not fun however handsome the paramedic is. Nine x-rays later and there were no broken bones just soft tissue damage and a sad and sorry Jo dosed on pain killers. I hope this guesthouse has a bedroom with no stairs... and a shower. Don't think I can handle a bath. Back to today's sublime holiday property. Part gallery, part home, once a shipyard, always unique and poetic, hiding behind an unobtrusive facade. Apparently the bathroom is big enough to dance in. I think I'll pass on the dancing and instead drink in the loveliness of the simple luxury of Tielrode in Flanders, Belgium via Welcome Beyond. (Please forgive me. I'm not whining. I'm grateful to be home, in one piece and finding joy in a lovely home. Happy weekend!)

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