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Entries in door (12)


My front door

This is just a quick post to document one of the many MANY things I need to do something about in my house. It's the front door. I have to say it's a pretty nifty looking door, and although the inspector I had in here when I was buying the house said I should replace it with a better door (in terms of being better insulated), I cannot bring myself to do that. You don't find doors like this at Home Depot.

One thing I have to keep in mind is the fact that this door opens right into the living room. So whatever I do to it will have to work with the space. The little windows in the door are unfortunately not glass but plastic, and yellow. Not sure if I should work with that or replace them/cover them up somehow. I found a very inspirational photo here a while back, and can't get it out of my head. How freaking cute is this door?!

I'd love to hear your ideas on what I could do with this blast from the past door.



An interesting object is the door. Practical and symbolic. Entry and exit. External, internal, barrier and welcoming. Private and public, open and shut but always a rite of passage. Today I asked my husband to leave. Doors.

Tria GiovanMel Yates
Michael MundyAlexandra Rowley
Steven RandazzoThomas Loof
bodron+fruitDavid Hicks
Aidlin DarlingMeg Braff
Annie SchlecterAimee Herring

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