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Entries in dark (129)


Dark and dreamy

I found this house on Urbis Magazine's website and fell in love immediately. It's dark and modern (but not overly) with lots of beautiful wood, marble and tile used throughout. It is a small 1860's worker's cottage from the front, now a guest house and man cave, and a glorious, dark-stained barn-like structure at the rear of the property. It is the best of both worlds - old and new combined. You can read more about it here. (New addition by Bureaux Limited, photos by Simon Devitt)

P.S. Sorry, no pet post today. I was too low on entries. :(


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Dark beauty 2

For those of you who loved yesterday's dark kitchen here is another by Patricia Stewart Designs. Contemporary and sleek but sitting happily with an electic family/dining area.


Black beauty

Kitchen by Patricia Stewart Design. Elegant, timeless.



The Darling Point Pad

With its decadent mix of contemporary and traditional, deep, dark, dramatic colours balanced by calming white and stunning Sydney Harbour views this over the top Darling Point apartment spans the top floor of a 1930's grand home. One moment over the top, the next calming and restful. With a hectic work weekend ahead of me this is my virtual escape. I need to spoil myself. You can too. The Darling Point Pad is part of the Contemporary Hotels group.

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More dark inspiration


I REALLY want a deep olivey-brown colour somewhere. This colour rocks. It's "Burl" by Martha Stewart. Maybe for my dining room? Via Design*Sponge 

Two houses ago I painted my bedroom chocolate brown (seen here - it wasn't dark enough). I LOVED it. It was such a soothing colour. I want a shade of chocolate like above in my bedroom again. Via The Design Files.

I was thinking a really dark teal would be cool in the kitchen. Otherwise maybe a deep navy. Not sure if it's matt black or navy in the above photo but lets pretend it's navy. I also have black countertops and white cabinets so this is a good representation of how it would look in my space. Lovely! Via Sköna hem.

My husband flipped out when I mentioned I would love to paint the walls and the ceilings whatever room colours I choose. This is to show him that maybe white is ok. (Except in our case it would be white ceiling, grey walls, mahogany baseboards and yellow stained floors. Bleh. Via Fantastic Frank.

As much as I don't really know what to do with green walls, I am a fan of this shade of green. Looks great with that pale pink. Via Dos Family.