Entries in dark (129)
Abigail Ahern - Colour
Abigail Ahern has released her new book called Colour and I cannot wait to get my hands on a copy! (According to Amazon it's not available in Canada until August dammit!) She really is an inspiration to me. I love her bold style and her appreciation for the darker side of decor. The main perk of this book is that the photos are by one of our all-time favourite photographers, Graham Atkins-Hughes! This is a must-have book for sure, so order your now if it's out in your country, or pre-order it like I think I might do. Here is a little sneak peak.
Fireplace mantels by Abigail Ahern
The photos from my last post got my decorating juices flowing...but I always go back to Abigail Ahern's spaces, where darker and bigger are better. Every time.
Dock St Warehouse
Live, work, play in a warehouse conversion by Brisbane based architectural firm Surroundings. Human centric, holistic. Enveloping, encompassing, cocooning. Retreat and self expression. Building relating to people and people to the building. Meaning and moment. I'm struggling for words to describe the visceral tug this series of spaces is having on me. As brilliant as the sunshine must be when you leave its cool, dark interiors. Dock St Warehouse by Surroundings with interiors in collaboration with Jacks Corner Design. Photography by Camera Obscura.
Drama in the dining room
For the goth in you.
Via Commune.
On a side note, I am heading to Puerto Vallarta in the morning for 10 days of sun and about 60C warmer weather. I have posts ready for while I am away so you won't even miss me, plus Jo is here to hold down the fort. I will be checking emails and doing my usual business, including instagramming (@kim_dti) if you want to see what trouble I am getting into. No pet posts until I return but I am still taking submissions = kim[@]desiretoinspire[.]net
See ya!