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Entries in Canada (322)


Stacey Brandford all over again

Nothing is better than returning to a favourite photographer's website after a prolonged absence and finding out that things are just the same. The work is still fabulous, the talent still shines through. The images are still crisp and clear. The rooms are gorgeous and the pictures are almost like portals to another place. Seems like I could still walk straight into these shots. After all this time things are still the way I remember them except ... there are so many more wonderful new images. Fresh and fab! One of our all time favourite Canadian photographers Stacey Brandford.

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Last night we had a veterinarian come by the house to give our cats a checkup (easier than taking all 7 of them in). At one point we were talking about our upcoming house project and she mentioned that her brother is a well-known architect in Toronto and has a firm with his wife called AGATHOM Co. Their website is currently a little sparse, but included photos of one project that I had to share (I found a few more and some info on Contemporist). It is a 1000 sq ft cabin in Pointe au Baril, a remote archipelago in Georgian Bay (3.5 hours north of Toronto) on a large area of exposed Precambrian rock. AMAZING!! (Be sure to check out the last photo after the jump)

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Some Canadian news

I wasn't going to blog today as I am trying to get as much last minute cramming in for my French test in a few days (almost. done. thank. gawd) but I recently got wind of 2 tidbits of information regarding some Canadian happenings that I had to mention.

First up - the first issue of Pure Green Magazine has been mailed out and I cannot wait for my copy! It is centred around entertaining and looks fantastic from the teaser shots Editor in Chief Celine sent along. Get your subscription here!

Next up is some television news. I'm not sure if this is in effect already or is upcoming as I don't currently have cable but one of my favourite design couples is finally coming back to HGTV Canada (better late than never, as it usually happens up here). Details after the jump.

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Ho Ho Ho Merry Christmas


Looking for something just a little different for Christmas decorations? Take a little inspiration from interior designer Chad Falkenberg who has just finished "decking the halls" of a number of Vancouver shops and restaurants for the season.  A wreath made from 100 beer cans, an upside down Christmas tree made from ribbon wrapped kraft paper boxes and a twinkle arch made of live plum trees. Don't tell my husband about that wreath or we'll be working through a couple of cartons of beer to get one made before the big day! And I don't even like beer. You can see more on Chad's blog.


Some local excitement

Yesterday afternoon I should have been studying French, finishing up my Christmas shopping or doing some laundry. Instead, I went to Ikea. And why is this exciting (according to the title of this post)? I am fortunate to live in a city that has had an Ikea for as long as I can remember. The only problem is it was SMALL. Trips to Ikea were successful if you were able to pick up half the items on your list (and of which the large items you had to drive a few minutes down the road to a second warehouse to pick up). Very frustrating. Yesterday was the soft opening (to friends and family) of the LARGEST IKEA IN CANADA - here in Ottawa! A very kind reader of ours named Erica, a kitchen designer at Ikea, sent me an invite so my husband and I went to check it out. It is HUGE - triple the size of the old store, which only had about 15 decorated showrooms, and now has 55. The restaurant holds 640 people and serves booze! Other reasons why I am excited - I finally got to see a Docksta table in person. (The old store has NEVER carried it). And about 10-15 years ago the old store decided to stop selling fabric. Now Jo doesn't have to ship me some from Australia. The store officially opens on Wednesday and I guarantee it will be insane. 

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