Monday's pets on furniture
If you would like to participate in the Monday's pets on furniture series please send photos, your name, location and a brief description to kim[@]desiretoinspire[.]net, or hashtag your photos #DTIpetsonfurniture.
Our rescue cat Singha laying claim to yet another place to sleep. One of a pair of much used antique veneered dressers.
- Christine (London, UK)
From Karina on Facebook
On Easter Monday my husband and I went to visit the Country Cat Sanctuary to help out and to hopefully foster a cat that was really in need of some TLC. We took Kobe home, fell in love with him, took him to the vets a couple of times and 4 days later found out he had feline leukemia and had him put down. It was an incredibly sad experience as I had high hopes for my little buddy, and I was devastated to hear how terrible his health was unbeknownst to everyone at the sanctuary. I will treasure the few days we had him and I am grateful I was able to show him what a real home was like, if only for those 4 days. R.I.P. Kobe XO
Reader Comments (2)
Thank you lovely lady for featuring Pierre in such fine company. Kobe looked like a beautiful boy and was lucky to have you shower him with love. Another foster like Kobe is out there for you. He just hasnt found you yet.
You're welcome Erin and thanks for the lovely words about Kobe. I really miss him and hope we can help another kitty at the sanctuary that needs so TLC.