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Monday's pets on furniture

If you would like to participate in the Monday's pets on furniture series please send photos, your name, location and a brief description to kim[@]desiretoinspire[.]net, or hashtag your photos #DTIpetsonfurniture.

Noches de fiesta.. Mañanas de resaca..🐈 Buenos días! #ditathecat #catsofinstagram #DTIpetsonfurniture #cat #lovemycat #lovelypet

A post shared by Fashion Blogger Pilar OhMyBlog (@pilar_ohmyblog) on Apr 15, 2017 at 1:56am PDT

#oneidathetinybarrel on pillows, as per usual #dtipetsonfurniture

A post shared by jesseanneo (@jesseanneo) on Apr 24, 2017 at 6:59pm PDT

FRida sabe que ser fotografada nesses azulejos aumenta o índice de likes.

A post shared by Korn Duck (@kornduck) on Apr 1, 2017 at 5:34am PDT

Best seat in the house! 🌿🐯🌿#varigatedcat

A post shared by Hilton Carter (@hiltoncarter) on Apr 28, 2017 at 2:03pm PDT

WELCOME TO THE JUNGLE 🌿🌴🌱🌲🌳🌾HAPPY FRIDAY 🍺🍻πŸ₯‚πŸ·πŸ₯ƒπŸΎπŸΉπŸΈπŸ™ˆwe did a 5k run the other day so surly that means this weekend I can consume all of the food groups in huge volumes?! might even treat myself to a bath as it's an annual event for me as I get bored after 2 mins! πŸ™ˆ I do wash daily in a shower though! just saying πŸ™ˆπŸ™ˆ Pedro loves a bath! #myeclecticmix #sassyhomestyle #myhomevibe #styleitdark #eclectichome #eclecticdecor #interior123 #interior4all #interiorinspo #interiorstyling #interiordetails #pocketofmyhome #cornerofmyhome #atmine #homestyle #homeinspo #homeadore #homeideas #homestyling #homedetails #retrofurniture #farrowandball #porcelanosa #chihuahua #houseplants #houseandgarden #bathroomdecor #elledecor #howyouhome

A post shared by BROOKLANDS.23 (@brooklands_23) on Apr 28, 2017 at 12:43am PDT

Our rescue cat Singha laying claim to yet another place to sleep.  One of a pair of much used antique veneered dressers.
- Christine (London, UK)

From Karina on Facebook

On Easter Monday my husband and I went to visit the Country Cat Sanctuary to help out and to hopefully foster a cat that was really in need of some TLC. We took Kobe home, fell in love with him, took him to the vets a couple of times and 4 days later found out he had feline leukemia and had him put down. It was an incredibly sad experience as I had high hopes for my little buddy, and I was devastated to hear how terrible his health was unbeknownst to everyone at the sanctuary. I will treasure the few days we had him and I am grateful I was able to show him what a real home was like, if only for those 4 days. R.I.P. Kobe XO

Reader Comments (2)

Thank you lovely lady for featuring Pierre in such fine company. Kobe looked like a beautiful boy and was lucky to have you shower him with love. Another foster like Kobe is out there for you. He just hasnt found you yet.

1 May 2017 | Unregistered CommenterErin

You're welcome Erin and thanks for the lovely words about Kobe. I really miss him and hope we can help another kitty at the sanctuary that needs so TLC.

1 May 2017 | Registered CommenterKiM

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