Two houses are one
Designed by David Boyle Architect two semi detached houses designed to different plans and sitting on an inner city block provide the perfect home for the owners and a second property to rent or sell to finance the project. Sounds simple and clever. Equally simple and clever is the design solution reached by the DBA practice. A great example of small scale urban consolidation but more importantly a wonderful starting point for the expression of the owner's own aesthetic. Interlocking positive and negative spaces, layering of building materials to provide texture and interest, passive environmental design and salvaged and recycled materials. It's practical, clever and quirky.
Reader Comments (6)
Beautiful. Love seeing personalized homes which don't look as if they have come out of the pages of Vogue Living.
such a stunning and interesting place!
What an amazing space! It seamlessly blends industrial, modern, and traditional vibes, along with some quirkiness and personality to boot. Any idea what that chair in the second photo is? I love the lines!
I'm a big fan of all the art they've got climbing up the walls - brilliant
Second house for me, fanks! I like bedrooms that are just sleeping spaces, I love built-ins, over-sized sinks, sliding doors and glass walls. Combine them with wood, wood, mid-century wood, and I'm sold.
Love the architecture and most of the design, however the odd obsession with knives, and the painting of a blooding nose creeps me out.