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Another amazing reader's before and after

I know how much you love a good reader's home renovation on Desire to Inspire. So many times you ask for the before shots or more often the after photos. This post should just about satisfy both. Back in February Sonia emailed asking for some recommendations and ... wait I'll just let her explain in her latest email to us.


A few months ago you all shared some names when I was looking for stagers in the DC area so I wanted to share some pics with you all on a "remodel" (read:total gut job) my friend Connor (who happens to be an architect) and I undertook this year. We took a broken down abandoned city-owned home and breathed some new life into it. This is our first time trying our hand it this and are beaming like proud parents at the result.

I am attaching some pictures of the before and after - its been such a fun and tough ride and you all remained an inspiration throughout!
Now just a few teaser during shots to whet your appetite. You'll have to wait till after the jump to see the transformation. 

Drum roll please .... the afters! What a transformation! Sonia has just started her classic restoration firm Adams & Duke based in the DC area. The second project has begun. Can't wait to see the next lot of befores and afters.

Reader Comments (35)

Impressive. Having renovated three homes and about to add an addition to our 1910 coach house I understand the work that went into this one. Love the lights and thought they added a great balance. Overall, I love the clean lines and obvious attention to detail. We are about to add steel doors/windows to the back of our house; I thought that would look nice out to your patio too but also love what you chose. In these old houses it is all about how to get more light into them. The sky light on the upper landing is the perfect solution to bringing light into the interior of a house. Great job. Take a rest now and enjoy it.

4 Aug 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMichele

Wonderful and tastefully done home.

5 Aug 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMallika

A small criticism... a pot filler faucet over the range is kind of silly when the range is only 9 inches from the sink

6 Aug 2011 | Unregistered Commenterxxooxxoo

Cool Renovation... and this has been a source of information and inspiration for my own gut job renovation in DC. Any advice regarding architects, contractors, managing project? Projected Budget? and where you able to stay within your budget? Thanks!

7 Jan 2013 | Unregistered Commentermkita

This is a very nice change. People can destroy, but they also can rebuild

6 May 2014 | Unregistered CommenterPaul Scoropan

Love "Before and after" pictures! Thank you for sharing, great job!

6 Jul 2014 | Unregistered CommenterNatalia

Amazing job.. this is what we called full house makeover. A ghost house turn to fantastic home sweet home.

28 Jan 2015 | Unregistered CommenterBCJ

Wow! That is absolutely incredible. What a team you guys are :)

Love that I stumbled across your site and this post. I love before and after photo's especially now that I'm a home owner and gradually working on putting my own stamp on our home. Rome wasn't built in a day though and I must remember that!

11 Jul 2016 | Unregistered CommenterEdwina

This is just brilliant. Love before and after articles. I so want to be able to do this type of renovation myself.

12 Aug 2017 | Unregistered CommenterTracey Tripp

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