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Alina Gozin'a


A picture is worth a thousand words so they say. It's true in the case of the portfolio of photographer Alina Gozin'a. Evocative and cinematic, it is no surprise that she is well known for her film stills, celebrity portraiture and of course her architectural portfolio. Drama and grace, emotion and desire. Whether moody neutrals, rich and wonderful or light, bright and airily modern, her work is truly inspiring.





Reader Comments (10)

Beautiful houses. Beautiful rooms. I'm sure of that. The work seems to come across as flattened -- for example, the 2nd one up from the bottom should have depth; the possibility, even the intent, is there -- but the focus is on the grain of the wood, and even the chairs in the foreground don't make an impact. The bedroom picture with the phone & mirror, I found myself trying to take a step to the right for a better angle. To see what isn't in the frame. I'm rather upset about the pic with the portraits and the dark chaise -- it's visually sinking at the right lower corner, but had it been balanced, it could have been very kinetic. I cannot find anything in the right side of that photo that is of value to the viewer. I love the house at the top of the page, the old furniture, the weight of the accessories -- but again -- the angle chosen allows the chandelier in a back room that isn't in focus to intrude on the mid-range -- where there is something really worth seeing. But the side table and footstool in the foreground aren't given even courtesy focus? I do not understand the choices the photographer made -- possibly that's my loss and unartful eye. But then I look at the uneven shadows in the third picture and -- oh, it ain't me. Something isn't working.

2 Dec 2010 | Unregistered Commenteroregonbird

interesting viewpoint, oregonbird. i felt myself tilting while looking at the pictures, but still drawn in. maybe that's what the photographer had in mind? the images are framed so deliberately off-kilter, i think we are meant to be looking at a home in a way we wouldn't usually look at it in pictures. maybe more like we really see things, like tunnel vision, you know? like, "ooh pretty chandelier, i like those chairs, what's that crazy door?" and everything else falls away...
just my guess. anyone else?

2 Dec 2010 | Unregistered CommenterPriscilla

Hey, I loved your blog


2 Dec 2010 | Unregistered CommenterDri

These images are so wonderful.

2 Dec 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJohn Nguyen

Wow! These photos are breathtaking. I especially love the circular window. For some reason, I have a particular fondness for round windows and I hope to have one someday.

2 Dec 2010 | Unregistered CommenterErica

to be perfectly honest i don't quite shift my focus from when you feature a designer to when you feature a photographer. i still look at the interiors. the only thing that really annoys me is the popular vignette shot which gives nothing but a visual amuse bouche (amuse yeux?). i do agree with oregon bird's observations, but i had to go back and review with those observations in mind.

2 Dec 2010 | Unregistered Commenterpolish chick

Love how she uses the architectural elements to create perspective. Her work is almost like a painting, she controls where the eye enters and how it moves around, creating the mood. Really, really talented - thanks for sharing her work.

Incredible. especially loving the photo of the open plan kitchen/ living room/ dining room...!!

The Craft

2 Dec 2010 | Unregistered CommenterThe Craft

This conversation reminds me:

Sometimes I wonder if I like a decor photograph because of the aesthetics of the decor, or if I'm actually responding to the composition of the photo. Maybe if fewer photographers designed the compositions "just right"--so artfully--I would feel that I'm seeing the room as I would if I were in it, thus learning if I truly like the decor or not. It would reduce the overall aesthetic impact of the resulting images, but be more functional (and make the hiring of professional photographers irrelevant by taking their artistry out of the equation!)

I wonder if what I like in person bears no resemblance to everything I *thought* I had learned about my tastes in the two-dimensional, rectangular format!

4 Dec 2010 | Unregistered CommenterKim in Jersey

Hi guys
My agent emailed me the link to this blog a few days ago. Thank you for putting up my work on your Blog.
Thanks for posting your notes. It’s fascinating to hear how others see my images. This work is rather old but it’s nice to know it is still getting attention.
One thing is true - i do move around everything in my frame to create a certain spatial and emotional feel. So nothing in the frame is by accident.
To Oregonbird’s eye my frames and what’s in them don’t make much sense, to me they do. That’s the great thing about images – so much room for interpretation.
A lot of my work is shadowless and a lot contain heavy shadows - all pending on the character of the house.
On a different note, I just shot Bryan Brown, an Australian actor, for the cover of IF Magazine ( Inside Film ) – its out now.
So check it out if you like portraits. My new website is coming mid march- and it will have new interiors work.
Thanks again for all your wonderful comments.


24 Feb 2011 | Unregistered CommenterAlina Gozin'a

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